David Cooper
Monday, March 14, 2022
Topic: The Third Nuclear Age: Between Disarmament and Armageddon
Dr. David A. Cooper recently retired as The James V. Forrestal Professor of National Security Affairs at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, where he previously served for eight years as the Chair of the Department of National Security Affairs. Before transitioning to academia he served for almost two decades as a career policy official in the Office of the Secretary of Defense including as Director of Strategic Arms Control Policy, Director of Nonproliferation Policy, and Senior Director for Homeland Security Integration. His areas of expertise include nuclear strategy, arms control and disarmament, nonproliferation, multilateral negotiations, homeland security, and international
relations theory. He is the author most recently of Decision-Making in American Foreign Policy: Translating Theory Into Practice
(Cambridge University Press, 2019) and Arms Control for the Third Nuclear Age: Between Disarmament and Armageddon (Georgetown University Press, 2021).